Regirock. --




Regirock es uno de los legendarios Regis de la tercera generación de Pokémon. Conocido por su resistencia y fortaleza, Regirock es un poderoso Pokémon de tipo roca que ha cautivado a los entrenadores desde su debut en los videojuegos. Su diseño imponente y singular lo ha convertido en un favorito entre los aficionados. En este artículo, exploraremos las habilidades, historia y curiosidades sobre Regirock para descubrir por qué es tan popular entre los fanáticos de Pokémon. ¡Prepárate para adentrarte en el mundo de este imponente Pokémon legendario!

– Paso a paso -- Regirock

Regirock is a powerful legendary Rock-type Pokémon that can be found in the Pokémon games. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to obtain Regirock.

  • Step 1:Get the required items: Before you can capture Regirock, you will need a few things. Make sure you have a Pokémon that knows the move «Rock Smash» and plenty of Ultra Balls or Timer Balls.
  • Step 2:Locate the secret cave: Head to the Desert Ruins, located near Route 111. Look for a large, suspicious-looking rock in the middle of the room. Use the move «Rock Smash» to break it and reveal the entrance to Regirock’s cave.
  • Step 3:Unlock the cave: Once inside the cave, you will need to solve a puzzle to awaken Regirock. Follow the braille inscription on the wall and take the prescribed number of steps in the correct directions to unlock the legendary Pokémon.
  • Step 4:Prepare for battle: Before interacting with Regirock, be sure to save your game. This will allow you to retry if things don’t go as planned during the battle. Make sure your Pokémon are strong and healthy, and have plenty of Ultra Balls or Timer Balls in your bag.
  • Step 5:Capture Regirock: Interact with Regirock to initiate the battle. Be patient and persistent, as capturing a legendary Pokémon can take time. Use your Ultra Balls or Timer Balls effectively, and don’t be discouraged by failed attempts.